
Animation and Development

Animation is a technique of displaying images sequentially such that the audience feel the illusion of motion (motion) on the displayed image. In general, the illusion of movement is a change that is detected visually by the audience's eyes so it does not have to change that occurs is a change in position as the meaning of the term 'movement'. Changes such as the color change can be said to be an animation.

12 Basic Principles of Animation Character

To understand the 12 basic principles of animation can be seen from a movement and to understand it in order.

  1. The twelve principles are:
  2. Poses and movements between (Pose-To-Pose Action and Inbetween)
  3. Timing (Timing)
  4. Movement secondary (Secondary Action)
  5. Acceleration of motion (Ease In and Out)
  6. Anticipation (Anticipation)
  7. Closing movements and the time difference of motion (Follow Through and Overlapping Action)
  8. Curved movement (Arcs)
  9. Dramatization of movement (exaggeration)
  10. Elasticity (Squash and Stretch)
  11. Placement in the image area (Staging)
  12. Characters appeal (Appeal)
  13. Inspiration roles (Personality)

The beginner is sometimes difficult to distinguish the elements of motion above. To make it easier to learn we can consider the motion that we often do, such as walking, running and jumping.
1. Pose and movement between (Pose-To-Pose and Inbetween)
As an example, we take a scene of people walking by using the camera. Expand the movie finished and will see a continuous series of images that, when played at 24 frames pe second (film) or 25 frames per second (PAL) will produce a moving picture.
Sometimes it's difficult to directly copy all the movements of each frame. To facilitate an animator AKN divide the movement sequences in two parts, the poses and movements between. Pose is the most extreme movement of each movement there and inbetween adalh movement between one pose to another pose.
In the 2D animation key animator would draw key poses. Inbetween then went on to make gerkan from one pose to another pose.
2. Timing (Timing)
By regulating the duration of the movement, a character can look different from the other characters. Although the same pose, but with a different motion duration, then the resulting expression of movement is also different. Eg slow motion (the distance between key poses quite far), the usual move, or fast motion (distance between key poses closer).
3. Movement secondary (Secondary Action)
Secondary movement is caused by the movement of other movements and is an integrated system that is inseparable from the main movement. For example, when moving, our hands will offset our footsteps, we will come round the waist and leaning join our agency AKN move left and right. The movement is the result of a major movement that footfall caused by a natural reaction of the body to stay balanced.
To create a secondary motion to add natural motion, secondary motion may not exceed the main movement.
4. Acceleration (Ease In and Out) Each stationary objects tend to remain silent, and any moving objects will keep moving unless accelerated or acceleration (Newton's law of inertia). From a standing start to a pose that will happen perscepatan movement and of the movement of a slowdown will pose.
5. Anticipation (Anticipation)
Basically, all motions will take place in three parts, the first part is called anticipation, the movement itself and the end of the movement called the closing movement (follow through). For example when we jump we will bend our legs, bending over and pulling both hands down, then we jump. Preliminary movement is called anticipation.
In the 2D animated films often we see a cartoon character who disappears from the screen leaving a plume of thick smoke. Before running the figures put pose preparation, pulled away toward the feet and hands stretch run beersiap ready to run and then shot and left itun figures thick smoke.
6. The movement continued and the time difference of motion (Follow Through and Overlapping Action)
Every moving object will tend to keep moving, even after receiving the stop force (Newton's law of inertia). For example, when we ran and suddenly stopped. Our bodies will be a little thrown forward, before finally returning to the point of balance. Pay attention to every move we do, we will discover and feel the "excessive movements" at each end of the movement we do. The movement known as the motion of the cover (follow trough).
Not all movements occur or stopped at the same time. There is always a time lapse between the main movement with secondary motion. Often these movements feel bertintihan. This principle is known as overlapping action.
Usually the secondary movements will have a time difference of motion (overlapping action). If an animal is moved, will also move its tail, but the tail movement is not stopped simultaneously with the movement of the animal, but stopped a few moments longer.
7. Movement curved (Arc)
At the moment we shook his head, the resulting motion is a motion that is slightly curved toward the top or bottom of the circle. Movement is called a curved movement (arc) which is the principle that is applied to the animation.
8. Dramatization movement (exaggeration)
Dramatization of movement is an act to reinforce what is being done. Often we see a theater actor melabih dramatize or exaggerate their actions to be seen clearly by the audience. When angry actor will hips and pointing his opponent. Similarly, when a laugh, he hands on hips, pull the upper part of his body to the back, lift his head up, opened his mouth wide open and eventually released the laughter so hard.
8. Dramatization movement (exaggeration)
Dramatization of movement is an act to reinforce what is being done. Often we see a theater actor melabih dramatize or exaggerate their actions to be seen clearly by the audience. When angry actor will hips and pointing his opponent. Similarly, when a laugh, he hands on hips, pull the upper part of his body to the back, lift his head up, opened his mouth wide open and eventually released the laughter so hard.
The important thing to do is every object that is experiencing upheaval will continue to maintain its volume. If a rubber changing the volume, reality will be lost. In the animation of this principle is not applied just like that, but in certain parts of an object. Biceps for example, experienced a greater flexing in the middle compared to the parts of the tendon or edges.
Although the rigid object or objects realistic (like humans) seem not experience flexing, this principle is still used. At the time jump down our body bent slightly, the movement which is similar to the secondary motion events "penyek" which occurs in a rubber ball thrown to the floor.
10 principles of animation first was first introduced by Fank Thomas and Ollie Johnston. Furthermore John Lasseter (director of Toy Story) added two more would soon principles we learn together.
10. Placement in the field of image (Staging)
In addition to great animation, how to put the character in front of the camera is also absolutely necessary. By placing a camera or a character appropriately, the concept that we want can be read easily by the audience. The most important principle is the principle and the principle silluet sinematography.
By placing the camera low, a character will look large and intimidating. Likewise denagn high camera placement, the character will appear small or look puzzled. The placement of the camera with the obliquity (rolling) will make the movement look dynamic. Symmetrical placement will membuata characters look formal or authoritative, placement diagonal direction of motion will also make the scene look dynamic.
See silluet characters (only on the foreground vs. background) also pose a firmness of character. If silluet characters look ambiguous or unclear, it will be difficult for the audience to digest the action undertaken characters.
11. The appeal of the character (Appeal)
Each character in the animation must have a unique charm, which sets it apart from other characters. It could be a character looks unique in terms of design, or the way he shows his personal expression.
12. Character inspiration
Acting ability is something that should be owned by every character animator. Acting allows animators to translate the behavior and the appeal of the character accurately, so that the audience feel what dimaui by an animator, even though without dialogue though. The easiest way to live a role is to imagine our character as an actor. Imagine us being themselves and begin to imitate their behavior and expressions.
"Good Animator is an animator who is able to move his limbs-and translate it into a work of animation."
Without the inspiration of a character will look flat, rigid and inhumane. Inspiration is the role of the "spirit" of each character.

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Selamat Mengulang Tahun, Ibu [Puisi Untuk Ibu]

Sebuah puisi untuk Ibuku dihari lahirnya.

Ibu, boleh aku pinjam hatimu?
agar aku merasakan liang-liang luka yang sering kau ceritakan dari air matamu.
Bu, izinkan aku memeluk hatimu, agar aku merasakan kesedihan yg tersembunyi didalam senyummu. Ibu, engkau ialah lukisan yang tertata rapih pada dinding hidupku,

Ibu, doa'mu menjelma sebagai darah kebahagiaan yg mengalir di nadiku.
Dari tetes airmatamu lah segala doa menemukan muara.
Dari dekapmu, aku merasakan surga yg teramat nyata.
Pundakmu ialah tempat ternyaman untuk segala kesedihan.

Ibu, jika kau tanya sebesar apa aku mencintaimu, sentuhlah jantungku;
Sepanjang dan selama berdetak itulah aku ada utk mencintaimu.
Seberapa besar aku menyayangimu?
Selapang engkau merawat luka dan kesedihanku.

Ibu, sulit kuhitung bulir keringat yg keluar dr tubuhmu. Tak ada yg lebih tabah dalam hidupku selain airmatamu yg tak pernah lelah mendoakanku. Selamat Mengulang Tahun, Ibu dan Panjang Umurlah. Semoga Tuhan meleburkan doa-doaku sebagai cahaya di lelap letihmu.

 ~Dari Aku, Sang Ksatria bersenjata nurani yang kau impikan hadir dinyatamu..

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Mini Futsal Competition bareng

Malesbanget,com Mini Futsal Competition.

Jakarta(12/01), Berawal dari sebuah tawaran untuk mengikuti mini futsal competition yang di publish di sebuah twitter mbdc diserbu followers yang ingin berolahraga dan bersilaturahmi dengan para team Para peserta yang kebanyakan adalah followers dan pembaca mulai berdatangan pukul 19.00 di Pro Arena Futsal Pondok Indah, Jakarta Selatan. Namun beberapa peserta yang sudah diundang ada yang tidak datang, mungkin karena ada halangan cuaca alias hujan deras yang waktu itu melanda Jakarta.

Namun sangat disayangkan jika alasannya hanya karena hujan karena ada dua peserta yang datang jauh-jauh dari Bekasi, sebut saja imam dan fuad ia melewati hutan, badai tornado, matahari dan awan kulonuwun. Sesampainya di Pro Arena Futsal para peserta undangan mengambil huruf undian untuk menentukan peserta tergabung dalam group(A-F), sehingga satu team di pilih secara acak dan tidak ada pemain cadangan. Masing-masing team bermain 5x dengan seistem liga(bertemu dengan semua team). Semua pertandingan berjalan dengan seru, saling mempertontonkan skill luar biasanya hingga ada yang mengelurkan tendangan madun.

Sampai semua team telah bertanding, ternyata Team A dan Team B memiliki jumlah point yang sama. Karna memiliki jumlah point yang sama, akhirnya penentuan juara dilakukan dengan tanding ulang. Namun skor masih juga sama imbang 2-2. Karna tidak ada perpanjangan waktu akhirnya dipilihlah adu pinalti untuk menentukan pemenang. Dari ke-3 penendang Team D, tidak ada yang berhasil memasukkan bola ke gawang team A, namun dari 2 penendang team A, berhasil memasukkan 1 bola ke gawang tim D.Akhirnya, Dengan hasil 1-0, Group A berhasil menjadi pemenang pada Mini Futsal Competition

Juara 1:

 (ane yang pake baju hitam sebelah kanan dari foto :D)

Juara 2:

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