
About Indonesian TV Shows

Actually, i rarely watch TV in this time , i watch tv before leaving my home and after i finishes my work and study approximately.
and i have much time in weekend, but i rarely watch tv because i have many activity in the weekend .
But , Overall i have opinion about the Indonesian TV Shows,  it's so very entertain, nice program, but it's not  give educate. it's about commercial, it's just sells the dream,
i think 80% audience is a teenegers and they are "Ababil" <- you can search in Bahasa . haha
The Indonesian TV show, didn't give anymore Knowladge ,
For example, There are about  Drama, Infotainment , Adult Tv shows,
i think thats tv shows category must impression at 00.01 Am , so as soon can't watch the TV . Then much actrees bring the West culture and teach the teenage and audience about the negative life .
News flash changed the program become infotainment . everythink about love ,
Where's 'Who Wants to be millionaire" , "Galileo"? Fortunately, "Laptop Si Unyil, Jelajah and some tv programs still exist" .
I think the Indonesian TV Programs must be Creative, Innovative and give more knowladge . 

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Dear programmer, Be Patient Please!

Oke , i want to ask you,  what is the programmer ?
Programmer is who person can make a billions code in texteditor until he dead with his code :D
Sometimes when i was in technical highschool i very interesting with programming class, i learn about PHP code, HTML , and Pascal. Sometime i was drunk with a billions code :/
i focused in web application and Design.
until i made a web application for motor credit application when i UKOM(Uji Kompetensi) maybe you can call "Final Exam" before you graduated from your school .
My school give  2 days for bulid the application from zero -_-
Finally i got the highest point for the Final Test (Web Application)
Are You Believe ? i think no, because i can't give evidence :/

but , you can look at the picture (*No Shotoshop or Manipulation, it's real) :p  : 

Our current superintendent came from MASTERWEB INDONESIA
They give the point about the coding, design web and interactive web . 
 i'm very grateful about what i got :) thanks GOD .. 

Oke i think if you want to be programmer, you must have a great Logic and Recitation ,
if you can't you must learn , practice so much .
I was have a dream to be a programmer proffesional, but now, it isn't .
i prefer became to Network Administrator but when i have much time, i'll learn the web design for freelance :D  

Oke, in the title my artcle, is "Dear Programmer, Be Patient Please" why ?
you must see the picture above :

And you must be careful when you was wrote the billion code you must save . if you can't do it , maybe you can (see the picture above) -> 

Are you want to be Programmer ? 
Think hard !!!

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Valentine day ?

14th February . Some People in the World know the date, Yes Valentines Day. i think everybody has celebrate the Valentines day, and some people believe about the valentines day, but not me . and i think the valentine day like a mother's day the 22th of December.
Why i think that ? The Valentines day and the Mother's day just a simbolic, because for Love your mom, your friends and others people you can get it in everyday not one day!


Ok, i have the information about the Valentines day,
The Valentines day comes from pagan celebration of Lupercalia , Roman culture. they adore sex and fartility for be grateful on 13-18 Februari every year. because this is the core of the celebration of Lupercalia FERTILITY,| then SEX activity becomes the main dish of their culture.
in the Night, male and female pairs for doing SEX overnight . They have fun, drunk and sex .
in 496 AD Pope Gelasius endorsed Lupercalia was a feast of the church , and appeared the name of Valentine Day.
finally this legendary story, and many people legalize sex in America and Europe.
How About in Indonesia?
So, What do you think about the Valentines day ?
i dont think so, i have my opinion about this day :)

if you the Muslim, you must think hard about this day, the 14thday not for your religion . :)

But , i think everyday is Valentines day, because day to day i love you :D #hahaha

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Sorry Mom, I Makes you Cry

This month i have a resolution,  i want to build my body muscle, with Gym and Weight Training.
In this beautifull morning i make a mistake , my mom's cry and i feel bad for today . 
in this morning my mom ask me , "did you dinner Last Night ?" | me : "Yes mom, but just eat chinken breast without rice | Mom: "Be Normal please, you must have a dinner with rice, i know you want to build your body, but you must keep your health" .
I'dont think so, because for keep my health and muscle, i must consume protein so much, in every night, i just eat with chicken breast, eggs, some fruits and dark chocolate all without rice and any foods calories . it just for keep my health.

I know she's care with me, but she always protest about what i do , i think i slim, and i must build my body, if i can't tall, my body can be proportional.
She's cry about my explanation habbit, she want me to be a normal person. Yes i do, but if i can be extra ordinary person ? Why Not ?

Sorry mom, today i make you cry :')

I Can't makes everybody Happy ~ I dont think about other peoples opinion
This My Life , and This My Choice .



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Please Introduce My Self | Imam Widianto

Hi. Nice to meet you on my Personal Blog .

I would like to introduce my self, My Full name is Imam Widianto, you can call me imam or widhy, it doesnt matter for me, i was born in Purbalingga,Purwokerto,CentralJava (like a pluto) haha...  on 17th of Mei 1993 . yes, 19th years old. and i still young and fresh like a fish from the Sea Yeah.
I'm Romantic Person, I'm a fresh maker usually in the class or gathering, I Think i creative and sometimes my friends call me pioneer. and my weakness is sometimes i cant control my emotional :) 
I Have a dream for my future, i want to be a good Network Administrator, Owner The Restaurant Brand of me, and Businessman.   
Now, i work for PT Kensolusindo(Bogor) its focused in IT consultancy and maintenance service. and now, i stay on our client at Ziegler Indonesia(Cikarang) for consultancy about IT and maintenance.
Before i work for PT Kensolusindo. i work for PT Indo pratama teleglobal, i think its same, but the PT Kensolusindo focused software and PT Indo prtama teleglobal focused for Hardware.
in PT IPT, i have a lot of experience like explore the Indonsesian Culture, Around the Indonesian Island and others . my job desc in PT.IPT is networking for build the Internet Connection in the Some Island and Thats FREEEEE ^_^ . i think is so Awesome for my experience :)
i graduated from SMKN1 Kota Bekasi for Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak . and my Hobby is Browsing for learn the new things , sometimes Coding and Jogging :p , Doing magic trick and Gym for keep my health . and every sunday i play footsal with my friends .
in my leisure time i prefer for read the book about motivation, spirit , tutorial about IT and others , because any books make me have a knowladge so much .
and sometimes i control my business progress on my laptop. i have some Online shop,
And i have some achievment, in 2011 i have second place for Blog Design in Bekasi  , and Finalis for Magic Competition in West Java.
Now i study in STMIK Bina insani, or you can call Green Campus :D
every night in Managment Informatics i got any knowladge,friends and others in there . so awesome.
Now, i collage, i work , and i have business.

Hmm maybe you can visit my online shop, i created when i was in Technical School (2009) and yeah, i got money from there  :

And , i think enaugh, If you want to know me, maybe you can visit my First Blog
you can find about the tutorial and trick  : 


or in social Media you can add me on Facebook :

or microblogging on Twitter 

i always on in the Internet :)

Thanks .

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