
Kecubung is the Danger Plants . Right ?

Last Night, Me, Welly, Untung Adit and Acong go home late . and we just gather in front of campus from 22.00 until 01.000 :)
I dont know what the happen we can discuss until midnight , last night we just tell about the hacking but someone strated to tell his experience , about the drunk, ginting, smoking, and gele, he has a lot of stories about the black life. i dont want to mention them , you can call him "anonymous" she was became dealers, traffickers and users. Damn! i think Her sin was too much haha 
i am interested about their experience , i know about the black life from them n it will be a lesson for me.. But, I am so interested in one of the discussion its about "KECUBUNG"
Kecubung? do you know about that ?
its look like a trumpet . in america the call devil tumpet .. waw its so very dangerous i think . 
because in any article , mention the KECUBUNG is the dangerous plants , it has negative effect for human. 
Ok , i quote from :

Amethyst (Datura metel L) is known as a plant that negative effect. Trumpet-shaped flowers of plants that is often misused to consciousness or as a reliever narcotic substances as efficacious anesthesia cone-shaped leaves. This is mainly because these plants contain crystalline methyl has a relaxing effect on striated muscle.

The abuse is actually derived from the habit of a group of people in India who use amethyst to anesthetize sacrifice to the gods.

that's why, we have to be very careful in the use of amethyst. At the very least, consult with your herbalist or physician before using any herb amethyst. 

Finally : "SAY NO TO "KECUBUNG" !!! 

1 komentar:

  1. ooo.. itu ya bunga kecubung.
    batu kecubung juga ternyata banyak jenisnya dan khasiat batu kecubung juga dianggap bermanfaat, terutama batu kecubung asihan yang banyak dicari orang untuk pengasihan, karena itulah banyak orang yang sengaja mengoleksi jenis jenis batu kecubung, walaupun harga batu kecubung memang masih terjangkau.
    ada juga yang mengoleksinya sebagai batu permata kecubung untuk cincin akik, karena itulah penambang jenis batu akik kecubung juga mulai banyak yang menjual dengan harga yang murah. namun untuk harga batu kecubung asli tetaplah mahal dibandingkan dengan harga batu akik kecubung. terima kasih atas infonya
    saya juga ingin berbagi info seputar batu kecubung DISINI>> batu kecubung asli
