
Dear programmer, Be Patient Please!

Oke , i want to ask you,  what is the programmer ?
Programmer is who person can make a billions code in texteditor until he dead with his code :D
Sometimes when i was in technical highschool i very interesting with programming class, i learn about PHP code, HTML , and Pascal. Sometime i was drunk with a billions code :/
i focused in web application and Design.
until i made a web application for motor credit application when i UKOM(Uji Kompetensi) maybe you can call "Final Exam" before you graduated from your school .
My school give  2 days for bulid the application from zero -_-
Finally i got the highest point for the Final Test (Web Application)
Are You Believe ? i think no, because i can't give evidence :/

but , you can look at the picture (*No Shotoshop or Manipulation, it's real) :p  :


Our current superintendent came from MASTERWEB INDONESIA
They give the point about the coding, design web and interactive web . 
 i'm very grateful about what i got :) thanks GOD .. 

Oke i think if you want to be programmer, you must have a great Logic and Recitation ,
if you can't you must learn , practice so much .
I was have a dream to be a programmer proffesional, but now, it isn't .
i prefer became to Network Administrator but when i have much time, i'll learn the web design for freelance :D  

Oke, in the title my artcle, is "Dear Programmer, Be Patient Please" why ?
you must see the picture above :

And you must be careful when you was wrote the billion code you must save . if you can't do it , maybe you can (see the picture above) -> 

Are you want to be Programmer ? 
Think hard !!!

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