
Please Introduce My Self | Imam Widianto

Hi. Nice to meet you on my Personal Blog .

I would like to introduce my self, My Full name is Imam Widianto, you can call me imam or widhy, it doesnt matter for me, i was born in Purbalingga,Purwokerto,CentralJava (like a pluto) haha...  on 17th of Mei 1993 . yes, 19th years old. and i still young and fresh like a fish from the Sea Yeah.
I'm Romantic Person, I'm a fresh maker usually in the class or gathering, I Think i creative and sometimes my friends call me pioneer. and my weakness is sometimes i cant control my emotional :) 
I Have a dream for my future, i want to be a good Network Administrator, Owner The Restaurant Brand of me, and Businessman.   
Now, i work for PT Kensolusindo(Bogor) its focused in IT consultancy and maintenance service. and now, i stay on our client at Ziegler Indonesia(Cikarang) for consultancy about IT and maintenance.
Before i work for PT Kensolusindo. i work for PT Indo pratama teleglobal, i think its same, but the PT Kensolusindo focused software and PT Indo prtama teleglobal focused for Hardware.
in PT IPT, i have a lot of experience like explore the Indonsesian Culture, Around the Indonesian Island and others . my job desc in PT.IPT is networking for build the Internet Connection in the Some Island and Thats FREEEEE ^_^ . i think is so Awesome for my experience :)
i graduated from SMKN1 Kota Bekasi for Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak . and my Hobby is Browsing for learn the new things , sometimes Coding and Jogging :p , Doing magic trick and Gym for keep my health . and every sunday i play footsal with my friends .
in my leisure time i prefer for read the book about motivation, spirit , tutorial about IT and others , because any books make me have a knowladge so much .
and sometimes i control my business progress on my laptop. i have some Online shop,
And i have some achievment, in 2011 i have second place for Blog Design in Bekasi  , and Finalis for Magic Competition in West Java.
Now i study in STMIK Bina insani, or you can call Green Campus :D
every night in Managment Informatics i got any knowladge,friends and others in there . so awesome.
Now, i collage, i work , and i have business.


Hmm maybe you can visit my online shop, i created when i was in Technical School (2009) and yeah, i got money from there  :


And , i think enaugh, If you want to know me, maybe you can visit my First Blog
you can find about the tutorial and trick  :



or in social Media you can add me on Facebook :

or microblogging on Twitter 

i always on in the Internet :)

Thanks .

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